A much needed treat for Zoe
A much needed treat for Zo....

used to live with her mum and partner during the week and stay with her dad at weekends. Then, during lockdown, her mum was murdered.
Now Zoe has been uprooted from her home and lives some distance away in her new home where she has a loving dad but no-one else. And she will be starting at a new school in September without her friends. Dad has been furloughed and now his job is in jeopardy so money is tight.
At the request of the Homicide team we are helping them to have some quality time together over the summer holidays with visits to a zoo and theme park, hopefully giving a very sad little girl some much needed fun and some happy
memories too.
Zoe’s story is just one of the twenty stories, some truly horrendous that we have received over the last few months. We have responded positively to everyone and we are pleased we have brought just a little relief to many.
One homicide worker wrote,
“Thank you so much for all you do – you must already be aware of how much difference it makes, but I can certainly tell you from my clients that it means so much to them.”