A Moira Fund exclusive
Racing results

Richard Cooper just keeps on running! Richard, in January pledged to run 366 miles to fundraise for The Moira Fund, to cover a mile a day for a year for Moira.
In the Paisley 10k, on Sunday 21st August, with four months still to go, according to insider information, it is likely that he will smash that goal with 366 miles behind him.
In park runs, 10k events, marathons and ultra marathons, over hill and dale, in mud or shale, he’s kept on running, earned huge respect from fellow runners and spread awareness of The Moira Fund. To say we are delighted just doesn’t cover it. We are so grateful.
Richard has now made the decision change his target, to add EXTRA miles, and has now rounded up his goal to 1000k!!
You can show your support and sponsor Richard here.
Great coverage in The Evening Times