Trauma after Trauma after…

She had left her job but had a new post awaiting her and her furniture would go into storage while
she sorted out a new place to stay.
Then the police arrived. Her son, also in the north, had been murdered. She had to
leave everything.
One week later her father died, and so, in the most terrible circumstances she had
two funerals to arrange. We cannot imagine how she managed that. She was
obviously too traumatised, too ill, to go to work and the offer of a job was withdrawn.
She had to sell most of her stored furniture to help with the expense of the funerals.
She was sofa surfing with relatives.
It was six months later, after she was found a wee flat to stay in, that we learned all
of Hayley’s story. A terrible story. By then she had little left to take to take to her new
place. The first thing she said she needed was cooking pots as she knew she had to
look after herself. We provided those, and a new bed, bedding and a wardrobe too.
We were pleased to do that. We know she will have ongoing support from the
Homicide team, much-needed because there will be many dark days to come. Thank
goodness they will be there for her.