photos of Moira

Helping with School

This is the time of year...

(by default title of item)

when many children are starting a new school and the expense of the necessary new uniforms puts much pressure on lots of families. This is made even harder when a family is devastated by the loss of a loved one, when jobs have been lost, health has suffered and every penny is already accounted for. We have helped a number of families with this extra expense and we know it takes away just a wee bit of pressure.

Donella is one of these mums. She lost her eldest son to murder at the beginning of the summer. Her partner, struggling to cope with this, lost his job. Her 16-year-old daughter was starting at college, her 11 year-old son was going up to high school and she was desperate that they would be properly turned out. When her support worker told her of the help we were offering she was overwhelmed. She said that this was the worst time of their lives, and she couldn’t believe that there were people out there who would help them in this way. She could not say thank you enough.

We are so pleased we can do this, bring some relief to mums and dads as well as to their children, who are nervous at going to a new school for the first time.

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The Moira Fund Golf Day

Jul 2024
We are delighted to announce that thanks to John, Barry and Dianne, this year's annual Golf Day at Dullater Golf Course will take place on 31st August.