photos of Moira

Three Lochs Way

John Leslie, a Trustee of The Moira Fund, 

went for a long walk with friends on Saturday, the 34 miles long Three Lochs Way. They enjoyed loads of great scenery but it did get a bit wet later on, and they  gathered a few blisters on the way, some more than others - John got off lightly with just the one. We are pleased about that, pleased he was in good company, we recognised you, Stina, on the photo, and absolutely delighted that £700 has been raised so far for The Moira Fund.

Thank you so much John, and well done -  you deserve to be more than 'fairly pleased' with your efforts after under 13 hours of walking - a very decent time. 

It's not too late to sponsor John here




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The Moira Fund Golf Day

Jul 2024
We are delighted to announce that thanks to John, Barry and Dianne, this year's annual Golf Day at Dullater Golf Course will take place on 31st August.